
Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations of Thua Thien Hue province is a socio-political organization specializing in people-to-people diplomacy in the field of peace, solidarity, friendship and people’s cooperation. HueFO has the role of a focal point in some people’s foreign affairs activities and overseas non-governmental work. HueFO has partners which are organizations of peace, solidarity, friendship cooperating with Vietnam, Thua Thien Hue province, overseas non-governmental organizations and individuals.


1. Expanding, diversifying, multilateral partnerships to contribute to consolidating and strengthening the friendship and cooperation between Thua Thien Hue province and other countries’ people, gaining the agreement and widespread support of people around the world for the career of building and defending the Motherland of Vietnamese people.

2. Participating in mobilization and public opinion fight on issues of democracy and human rights; popularize the image of Vietnam and Thua Thien Hue province in the international arena. Taking part in mobilizing and gathering overseas Vietnamese to turn towards the Motherland and activities to strengthen friendly relations and cooperation between Thua Thien Hue province and other countries; promoting cooperation between Thua Thien Hue province and other countries in the sectors of economy, culture, education, science and technology.

3. Participating in forums, activities of the global citizens, regional and international mechanisms for the benefit of the country, contributing to the common struggle for peace, development, fairness, sustainability, democracy and social progress.

4. Being a coordinating agency to mobilize foreign non-governmental aid in accordance with the provisions of law and being a member of the overseas Non-governmental working committee of Thua Thien Hue province (if it has).

5. Participating in research on international issues and organizing study on partners aiming to implement the  This is to make recommendations to the State and other organizations related to public relations activities.

6. Guiding and supporting member organizations in peace, solidarity, friendship, international cooperation activities and mobilizing, coordinating foreign non-governmental aid.

7. Managing and utilizing the HueFO’s financial resources in accordance with the law.

8. Performing other tasks assigned by competent authorities.

Rights & Responsibilities

1. Propagating the principles and objectives of HueFO

2. Establishing peaceful, united, friendly and cooperative relations with relevant organizations, non-governmental organizations and foreign individuals; Being able to send delegations abroad and welcome foreign delegations to Vietnam in accordance with the provisions of law.

3. Coordinating with ministries, branches, unions, departments socio-political organizations at the Central and provincial levels, as well as people’s organizations and local authorities in Thua Thien Hue, to perform the tasks of HueFO in accordance with the provisions of the law.

4. Giving opinions on legal documents related to people’s foreign affairs; consulting to competent state agencies on issues related to the development and operation of HueFO; Organizing training, skills and professional development and other service activities according to the provisions of law.

5. Establishing affiliated legal entities according to the provisions of law.

6. Participating relevant international organizations, signing and implementing international agreements according to the provisions of law after receiving approval from provincial authorities.

7. Reporting to the Provincial People’s Committee on the proposals, establishments or recommendations to dissolve organizations operating for peace, solidarity, friendship and cooperation with the people of other countries at the provincial and central levels in the province.